Sharp-shinned Hawk

Sharp-shinned Hawk
Sharp-shinned Hawk, by Steve Thornhill

Friday, September 13, 2019

506 Raptors and a Third Mississippi Kite!

Another great day at the Kiptopeke Hawkwatch! We had 506 raptors, one of which was another Mississippi Kite. There were 347 Ospreys, 58 Merlins, and 61 Kestrels. The weather conditions in the morning and early afternoon were perfect for hawk watching. There was plenty of cloud cover and strong East and Northeast winds that caused many birds to fly very low and close to the platform. We also spotted two Common Nighthawks, 14 White Ibises, 3 Snowy Egrets, and 2 Great Egrets. It was such an exciting day and hopefully the numbers will keep increasing as the season progresses!

Mississippi Kite (Megan Murante)

American Kestrel (Megan Murante)

Male Northern Harrier (Megan Murante)

Red-tailed Hawk (Megan Murante)

SubadultBald Eagle (Megan Murante)

Osprey (Megan Murante)

Our Monarch Biologist, Michael Ferrara, arrived today. He is returning for a second year to Kiptopeke to count and tag Monarchs for CVWO this Fall. Amazingly, he was able to find a tagged Monarch this afternoon!

Michael reaching for a tagged Monarch (Megan Murante)

Hope to see some of you tomorrow at the hawk watch platform for the 9:00 am bird walk (Saturday, 9/14)!  If you aren't able to make it, don't worry! It is a new program that will be held every Saturday in September and October. 
