Mississippi Kite (Megan Murante)
American Kestrel (Megan Murante)
Male Northern Harrier (Megan Murante)
Red-tailed Hawk (Megan Murante)
SubadultBald Eagle (Megan Murante)
Osprey (Megan Murante)
Our Monarch Biologist, Michael Ferrara, arrived today. He is returning for a second year to Kiptopeke to count and tag Monarchs for CVWO this Fall. Amazingly, he was able to find a tagged Monarch this afternoon!
Michael reaching for a tagged Monarch (Megan Murante)
Hope to see some of you tomorrow at the hawk watch platform for the 9:00 am bird walk (Saturday, 9/14)! If you aren't able to make it, don't worry! It is a new program that will be held every Saturday in September and October.