Sharp-shinned Hawk

Sharp-shinned Hawk
Sharp-shinned Hawk, by Steve Thornhill

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Migration Update

The raptor migration is picking up with an average of 100+ birds a day.  The falcons are the current stars of the show and the best time to view these flights is from 3pm to sunset.  Other noteworthy flights taking place currently are morning flights of Northern Flickers and Blue Jays.

The monarchs are also becoming more abundant with over 30 spotted and 12 tagged yesterday.

The hawk banding station is averaging 5-10 raptors daily. The majority of the birds being captured at this time are Sharp-Shinned Hawks and Coopers Hawks.

Also, a reminder that there is an educational program on the migration and CVWO's programs held at 10 A.M. and 2 P.M.on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at the pavilion near the hawk watch platform.


A Merlin in the hawk banding station

A juvenile Northern Harrier in the hawk banding station