Sharp-shinned Hawk

Sharp-shinned Hawk
Sharp-shinned Hawk, by Steve Thornhill

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Marbled Godwit

This elegant juvenile Marbled Godwit was a highlight of today's field trip to Craney Island, Portsmouth, by the Virginia Society of Ornithology, led by researcher and Observatory Vice-president Ruth Beck.
Brian Taber

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Rare Butterfly

This Hayhurst's Scallopwing, very rare in the area, was seen yesterday and today by Adrienne Frank and Gary by their garden here in James City County. The faint concentric light rings and scalloped wing edges are perfectly shown. One was also found on the Observatory's annual July Butterfly Count at the tip of Virginia's Eastern Shore on July 28th.
Brian Taber